Every employee should take these training courses

It’s very easy for employers to provide induction training to new staff but forget existing staff need training too. Depending on your industry, some training will be mandatory such as the safe way to use machinery. Other training just makes good business sense; it helps keep staff motivated and makes sure their skills and knowledge are up-to-date, potentially increasing productivity. The best way to make sure this training happens is to develop an annual training programme. When you do, make sure to include the following training courses.

Health and safety

There are over 621,000 serious workplace accidents in the UK every year and many of these could have been avoided if staff had received health and safety training relevant to their workplace. Training should include hazards or risks staff might encounter, what to do if there is an accident or incident and any emergency procedures that are in place.

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Regulatory compliance

All companies are required to work to government legislation, including anti money laundering regulations. Staff should receive training in all aspects of their work that are impacted by legislation, including data protection, and identity checks to make sure your company is not put at risk by non-compliance. For AML IDENTITY VERIFICATION, contact https://www.w2globaldata.com/regulatory-compliance-solutions-and-software/aml-id-checks/

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Information governance

With so much work being done on computers nowadays, and that work often being stored on cloud-based systems, you need to train your staff on information governance to make sure they keep your company and your customer data safe. You can find suitable information governance training, along with many other online training resources for business, helping you train staff well but also in a way that does not take too much time away from other activities.


About the author

Russell Brand

Russell Brand

Hi, I am Russell Brand; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with Home Improvement and Décor.

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