Is family TV time coming to an end?

40 to 50 years ago the nation’s homes were gripped with the age old argument. Who would have control of the TV remote and what would the family watch together that evening? With 3 channels to choose from it was a fraught argument. Mum wanted her Soaps like Coronation Street, Dad wanted the interesting documentary about Cheese making on BBC2 and the kids wanted Doctor Who. If these clashed on the schedule it was a pretty difficult conversation to have, and everyone hoped the particular show would be repeated later at some point. Most families could only afford one Television and a Videotape recorder, which helped to stop a lot of these arguments, was also very expensive.

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Getting a decent signal in the first place to actually watch the programs was also a big consideration. It’s why a TV aerial repair Stroud based company like were needed back then as they are today.

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The landscape of family viewing is very different now. Cheaper electronic goods means that there are at least 2 TV’s to choose from in the house and with digital streaming shows and films can be watched time and time again when we want and as many times as we want. It does mean that the tradition of everyone gathered around the set to watch the Morecambe and Wise show, or a family film is becoming less and less common.

About the author

Russell Brand

Russell Brand

Hi, I am Russell Brand; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with Home Improvement and Décor.

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